Wednesday, April 1, 2009

ugh. me and my sleep schedules.

I am a lover of sleep. There is no denying that.

However, this always seems to get me in trouble. Whenever I have a huge assignment due, I'm not going to risk pulling an all nighter. Instead, I elect to take a "disco nap" of sorts and wake up at midnight to fight the good fight once more. My roommate thinks I'm crazy and she complains that she never gets to see me because I'm always asleep. Well what can I say, I'm just a sleep slut.

I've always functioned best at 1 a.m. when there is silence and no distractions. I design, homework, and watch TV all late in the wee hours of the night. In fact, I've been known to hide out in the AMU working on design projects long after the building has closed. It is always pretty awkward when I'm found out and need to mumble some excuse before shuffling home.

School vacations are no exception to this rule. I totally become nocturnal. In an ideal world, all business hours would revolve around my peak hours of 1pm to 4am. This is also really frustrating because no stores are open and I always think of that last minute thing I NEED to have and have to wait until daylight.

Well lookie here. It's three a.m. again and I have an 8a.m. class. I guess its time for a nap.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It worked!

Well that was cool. Okay, so now back to class.

well this will be interesting if it works

so blogger's user settings tell me that i can update my blog just by sending a simple email. HA! take that livejournal. so now i can update my blog from my cell phone or in class. life is good.

Design Preview Test

This is just a test post so I can go to bed. I have to stop playing with the layout of this thing or else I will be up ALL night.